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was there such a thing as OCD 100 years ago?





I was reading a book about a certain Gadol who was extremely makpid from an extremely young age like 10 years old to always be very clean for Avoidas Hashem. He would wash his hand hundreds of times a day, clean out his mouth for Tefilla, and spend hours in the bathroom cleaning out his body!

If this would be happening to a 10 year old nowadays, we would all [rightly] assume that it is a form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder! Why do we not diagnose people from before 100 years ago with conditions like these? Did psychology not exist then?


    who was the gadol? - King of KingsJul 17  '12 at 16:31

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There is no good reason to diagnose people from previous generations especially without first-hand observation.


    what is that supposed to mean - gadol hadorAug 05  '12 at 10:15
    I fixed my answer. - dashAug 10  '12 at 22:12

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