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EFT in jewish law





can anyone tell me clearly if EFT is kosher as well as a clear WHY, or by whom its been verified, or what actually makes something of the sort KOSHER and not a chashash of kishuf


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I am an EFT Practitioner. In its most basic form, EFT is tapping on acupuncture points (no needles) while thinking about the problem and then saying a statement of acceptance.

I asked my Rov about the "kashrus" of EFT when I first tried it because I was taken aback by how effective it is to clear emotional and physical discomfort. He asked a few questions and said it was fine to do. Like acupuncture, EFT is generally accepted by Chasidish and Litvish rabbinim.

It is not at all related to kishuf. When EFT people talk about energy, think of electricity... the way a doctor hooks up your brain and heart to EEG and EKG machines in order to measure the electrical output of your nerves or organs. It seems that Chinese meridian points (acupressure points) have low levels of electric current. In any case, studies have shown that doing EFT Tapping tends to reduce cortisol (a stress hormone) in the body. Visit my website to learn more.

I tell people that EFT Tapping is like a mental exercise that changes your brain from pain to calm.


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