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How can the Halacha be to not believe Loshan Hora from someone you trust immensely?





The Chofetz Chaim says that even if someone whom you utterly trust tells you Loshan Hora, it is Ossur to believe him. How is this possible. Belief is not something you can choose, it is either there or not there. What good can it do to tell yourself you do not believe but really deep down you do?


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1 answer!





I cant answer your question but there is a story with HaRav Moshe Feinstein Zatzal - where he was officiating at a wedding (Mesader Kedushin). At the last moment the Chassan's mother came over to HaRav Moshe and said that her son was born from a different man while she was a married women. HaRav Moshe without batting an eyelash said to continue the wedding as "Aid Echod Aino Neeman B'Isurim" - we do not trust one witness by such cases.

It seems that in Halacha belief is something more then what we would think.


2   Alternatively, kabbalas eidus is not related to beleif while lashon hara is. I don't think this answers the relevant question. - Parent99Dec 05  '12 at 20:36
    @Parent99 do you think Reb Moshe really believed deep down that he was a Mamzer and yet still went ahead? - Shmuel YaacovsonDec 10  '12 at 17:18
    @shmuelyaacovson Maybe! Halcha works on rules not feelings. Far be it from Reb Moshe to pasul someone for life based on a 'feeling'. - Parent99Dec 23  '12 at 03:21
    @parent99 I would go so far as to say he knew it deep down! - Shmuel YaacovsonJan 29  '13 at 21:38

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