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Why was Esau angry with Yaacov about the Firstborn if he sold it to him? [closed]





Yaacov bought the right of firstborn legitimately from Esau, so what was Esau's complaint about it?


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3 answers!





He felt it was a מקח טעות because when Esav asked what was included in the firstborn rights יעקב mentioned the hardships involved in doing עבודה בטהרה and now that Esav realized there were many other good things involved (including the ברכות) he felt that he was tricked into "selling" = stolen.


    Why, the Brachot were dependent on that? - DannyNov 20  '12 at 14:51

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Just heard a great answer from Mrs. Tarshish. Eisav thought that the Bechora was totally just something that you can benefit from in the next world, Olam Habah. He didn't realize that the Bechora included the major Brachos that were completely about Olam Hazeh. When he came into the tent when Yaakov was on the way out, and realized that Yaakov took them already - He screamed and complained - "you're taking Olam Hazeh too!!" It is known that in the womb, Eisav "took" Olam Hazeh and Yaakov took Olam Habah. That is why when Eisav met Yaakov in Parshas Vayishlach, he had a taynah on his brother when he saw his 4 wives, and many children - why are you taking Olam Hazeh too! We were blessed with both. But our goal is to love just one world - Olam Habah. A PERSON CANNOT LOVE BOTH WORLDS. IT'S A CONTRADICTION.


    But why was Esau angry about the Right of Firstborn though - Yehuda HaMaccabiNov 24  '12 at 23:31
    He was angry that he was "tricked" out of the Bechora - he misunderstood what exactly it encompassed. - smarteeNov 25  '12 at 19:02
    Who is Mrs Taishish? A PERSON CANNOT LOVE BOTH WORLDS. A pity that this doesnt happen in reality but nice answer! - shteeblehopperDec 01  '12 at 22:05

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Her name is Rena Tarshish (if she were a man- she'd be a Rosh Yeshiva!) head of Mesores Rochel Seminary in EY. Fluent in Medrash (don't ask questions...)


    Why isnt this a comment to your previous answer? - Shmuel YaacovsonDec 10  '12 at 17:19

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