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Why didn't AVRAHAM serve the MALACHIM bread?





There seems to be numerous reasons why אברהם did not serve the מלאכים bread 1 - שרה became a נדה and made the dough טמא and אברהם was מחמיר to eat חולין (like קדשים) only when טהור or 2 it was פסח and the dough became חמץ - Either way this would seem to only be a problem with אברהם eating the bread - Why didn't he still serve it to the מלאכים if he thought they were arabs anyway?


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2 answers!





Excellent question!!!

In those days it seems everyone kept these types of laws. See the Ramban when Rochel didnt get up for her father Lavan when he was looking for his idols. Her excuse was she was a Niddah. The Ramban explains that in those days one wouldnt even speak to a Niddah generally because they were so sensitive to the forces that the Tumah would affect them. I seem to remember that the Ramban says even Lavan understood this. So perhaps Avrahams arabs lived in a similar vein!


    good answer for Niddah - - SJRApr 22  '13 at 17:32
    @SJR yeah, but better then nothing ;) - TreebeardApr 30  '13 at 00:53

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Because the only reasons Avraham wouldve eaten the bread was to avoid safek brachos whereas the angels/arabs didnt say brachos anyway.


1   Cute answer. Which Safek Brachos are there in a meal of tounge? - disgruntledGoatNov 09  '12 at 08:02
    Is this your own idea or have you seen this somewhere? +1 - Yehuda HaMaccabiNov 09  '12 at 13:40
    How does this answer the question? THE QUESTION IS not why he didn't eat (this is perfectly understood, rather) WHY DIDN'T HE SERVE IT ANYWAY? - SJRNov 09  '12 at 16:24
    @sjr i think what @copycat33 means is BREAD was not on the menu anyway. But for those that didnt want to make a Safek Brachah, he gave bread for them. But since the Arabs wouldnt care about Brachos, they didnt need the bread. Why wasnt bread on the menu? Ask Grandma Sarah, it was her kitchen - Shmuel YaacovsonNov 10  '12 at 23:00
    @sjr can you reply on Shmuels comment? Has he answered your question? - Yehuda HaMaccabiApr 21  '13 at 19:55
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