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Should we say Pri Gafna in Al Hamichya in israel and what about on on foods created out of Israel?





I saw a very interesting thing in my bentcher. It says there while making Al HaMichyah on grapes 'when in Israel recite Al Pri Gafnah instead of Al Pri Hagofen' which means say 'the grapes of its land' instead of 'the fruit grapes'. This is because we are anyway speaking about Israel so we might as well say mention that this is the land.

My question is I always though in depended on where the fruits themselves actually were grown, not where you are at the time of your recital? Is this a mistake?
Quite a lot bentchers will have then all made the same mistake.

Does anyone know of a Mekor of it depending on whether or not the person who is saying the Bracha is in Israel or not?


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3 answers!





I am pretty sure that you are correct in regards to the fruits origin is what determines the language as opposed to the actual place where you are eating. That being said I also think - Al Pri Gafnah would be for wine and grape juice from Israel and Al Peiroseha would be for fruits including grapes from Israel - will try to confirm this week.


3   while making Al HaMichyah on grapes 'when in Israel recite Al Pri Gafnah instead of Al Pri Hagofen' - THIS seems to imply that the bracha achronah for grapes is al hagefen when in fact it is al hapeiros - SJRSep 13  '12 at 21:48
1   is that so? I too thought it was Al HaGefen. where is this brought down? - DannySep 13  '12 at 23:13
1   WILL TRY TO CONFIRM ASAP but pretty sure wine and grape juice = al hagefen and zayin minim fruits INCLUDING GRAPES = al hapeiros - SJRSep 13  '12 at 23:56
1   Actually you can say peiroteha or gafna on wine. Whichever you want. - Copycat33Sep 14  '12 at 01:09
    dont understand what you are adding at the end - DannySep 13  '12 at 21:10
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Look in Mishnah Brurah SIMAN 208 SEIF 10 SEIF KATAN 52 - for a clear P'sak that if fruits came from Chutz La'aretz - even when eating them in E"Y you say Al Hapeiros not Peiroseha. Also there does not seem to be any difference between grapes and the rest of the Zayin minim fruits as per my earlier answers/comments so anyone who has a Mikor for saying al hagefen on grapes I would appreciate a response.


    I checked up the Halacha about what to say on grapes. It is definitely Al HaPeiros. The Mechaber says so clearly in 208. Well done! - Yehuda HaMaccabiSep 15  '12 at 23:00

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I cant remember properly but I got a feeling it is a Machlokes Rishonim on Brachos. We definitely Pasken that it depends on where the foods were from though so the Bentcher is wrong


    Can you give more details? - Yehuda HaMaccabiSep 14  '12 at 15:10
    YEHUDA - SEE ANSWER BELOW - SJRSep 14  '12 at 19:17

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